Pontus Gourdon
Principal Investigator
Senior lecturer Pontus Gourdon is research team manager of the Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. His research group works on structural and functional characterizing of membrane proteins that are essential for human health and highly attractive targets in the treatment of disease.
Project in third call:
Basic and applied science targeting TRP ion channels
Principal Investigator
Senior lecturer Pontus Gourdon is research team manager of the Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. His research group works on structural and functional characterizing of membrane proteins that are essential for human health and highly attractive targets in the treatment of disease.
Project in third call:
Basic and applied science targeting TRP ion channels
Principal Investigator
Senior lecturer Pontus Gourdon is research team manager of the Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. His research group works on structural and functional characterizing of membrane proteins that are essential for human health and highly attractive targets in the treatment of disease.
Project in third call:
Basic and applied science targeting TRP ion channels
Short Biography
Dr Pontus Gourdon leads the Membrane Protein Structural Biology Group located at the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, and at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. The group’s overarching aim is to reveal the molecular principles and determinants of transport processes across cellular membranes for these proteins, using a number of complementary techniques centered on X-ray crystallography to study structure-function-disease relationships of membrane proteins.
Dr Gourdon obtained his PhD in 2007 at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Before joining Lund University, he held a position as Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen (2014–2018).
AMBER postdoctoral fellowship subject (third call)
Basic and applied science targeting TRP ion channels
Ion channels are essential for life across organisms and a sophisticated understanding of their function is imperative for basic, biomedical and applied research. With this position, we intend to intensify our work in understanding at the molecular level how TRP ion channels work, how they are regulated and how they can become modulated in normal and pathophysiology. This is a collaborative project between two groups led by Pontus Gourdon and Peter Zygmunt. We are looking for a skilled and motivated post-doc with an interest in working with membrane proteins to understand how TRP ion channels operate at the molecular level. For a recent publication on the matter from the groups, see:
• Zhang et al (2022) Nature Communications 13(1):7483
The recruited person will perform experimental research with a focus on cryo-EM, but also apply functional studies. Here is a selection of related articles recently published by the two teams (see also tinyurl.com/vc2dsamz):
• Moparthi et al (2022) Nature Communications 13(1):6113
• Salustros et al (2022) Nature Communications 13(1):5121
• Li et al (2022) Nature Communications 13(1):4339
• Wiuf et al (2022) Science Advances 8, eabn4331
• Grønberg et al (2021). Elife 10:e73124
• Li et al (2021) Nature Communications 12(1):3973
• Wang et al (2021) Nature Communications 12(1):2956
Location: Lund, Sweden
Organisation: Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Experimental Medical Science
AMBER call in EURAXESS main call (starting point for application)
Pontus Gourdon's profile in Lund University Research portal
Department of Experimental Medical Science's profile in Lund University Research portal