Mikael Lund

SEK 0.00

Principal Investigator
Professor Mikael Lund leads a group at the Division of Computational Chemstry at Lund University. His research interests include biomolecular interactions, simulation techniques (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics), and statistical thermodynamics.

Project in third call:

Modelling solution thermodynamics and scattering in complex biomolecular samples

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Principal Investigator
Professor Mikael Lund leads a group at the Division of Computational Chemstry at Lund University. His research interests include biomolecular interactions, simulation techniques (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics), and statistical thermodynamics.

Project in third call:

Modelling solution thermodynamics and scattering in complex biomolecular samples

Principal Investigator
Professor Mikael Lund leads a group at the Division of Computational Chemstry at Lund University. His research interests include biomolecular interactions, simulation techniques (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics), and statistical thermodynamics.

Project in third call:

Modelling solution thermodynamics and scattering in complex biomolecular samples

Short Biography

Mikael Lund has been a professor at the Division of Computational Chemistry since 2018, where he is also the Deputy Head. His research interests include:

  • Protein-Protein interactions in electrolytes solutions

  • Effect of salt, pH, salt type, and macromolecular density

  • Cellulose solvation in aqueous media

  • Protein-surface adsorptionIon-specific effectsIon-binding to biomolecules

  • Anisotropic interactions between macromolecules and in liquids

  • Simulation techniques such as MC/MD

Professor Mikael Lund obtained his PhD in Biophysical Chemistry at Lund University in 2007. He then continued as an EMBO postdoctoral fellow at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, before he joined Lund University as an assistant professor in Theoretical Chemistry (2008).

AMBER postdoctoral fellowship subject (third call)

Modelling solution thermodynamics and scattering in complex biomolecular samples

This research project focuses on understanding protein-protein and protein proxy interactions (PPIs) in complex solutions using advanced Molecular Dynamics (MC) and Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, combined with experimental techniques. In particular we will investigate how co-solutes such as salt; small molecules; and osmolytes in general affect biomolecular stability and conformation. This is important for fundamental understanding of biology, but also to effectively control biomolecular interactions in e.g. vaccine and drug development. Experimental techniques such as small-angle X-ray scattering; neutron scattering; osmometry; and UV/VIS/Fluorescent spectroscopy will be combined with classical thermodynamics and MD/MC simulation to gain deep understading of the physical mechanisms at play. This task entails development of new coarse grained represenations and models of biomolecule and co-solutes based on a surface area approach. We will further develop computational efficient algorithms to mimick solution scattering from ensembles of microstates sampled using MD/MC. The latter will be implemented within the framework of our in-house software and validated against experimental data.

We seek a candidate with a strong background in physical chemistry, familiar with both theoretical and experimental techniques for assessing thermodynamics and interactions in (bio)molecular solutions. Experience with C++, Rust, Python is advantageous.

Location: Lund, Sweden

Organisation: Lund University, Department of Chemistry, Division of Computational Chemistry


AMBER call in EURAXESS main call (starting point for application)

Guide for applicants

Mikael Lund's profile in Lund University Research portal

Division of Computational Chemistry's profile in Lund University Research portal

Info about employment at Lund University