Karin Lindvist

SEK 0.00

Principal Investigator
Karin Lindvist is research team manager of the Medical Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. Her research group uses structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, and combines that with microscopy to reveal mechanisms of action in the metabolic systems in the human body.

Project in third call:

Aquaporins in health and pathology

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Principal Investigator
Karin Lindvist is research team manager of the Medical Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. Her research group uses structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, and combines that with microscopy to reveal mechanisms of action in the metabolic systems in the human body.

Project in third call:

Aquaporins in health and pathology

Principal Investigator
Karin Lindvist is research team manager of the Medical Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. Her research group uses structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, and combines that with microscopy to reveal mechanisms of action in the metabolic systems in the human body.

Project in third call:

Aquaporins in health and pathology

Short Biography

Karin Lindvist is research team manager of the Medical Structural Biology Group at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. Her research group uses structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, and combines that with microscopy to reveal mechanisms of action in the metabolic systems in the human body.

AMBER postdoctoral fellowship subject (THIRD call)

Project 1: Aquaporins in health and pathology

Aquaporin (AQPs) are evolutionary conserved transmembrane proteins that are responsible for water and glycerol regulation in the human body, but also in many other organisms. Besides solute transport, AQPs have been shown to be involved in cellular signaling, cell migration, and cell-cell adhesion. For instance, AQPs are the main glycerol channel in the endocrine pancreas, mediating rapid flux of glycerol in β-cells and ultimately insulin secretion. Interestingly, it was also recently reported that AQPs in fruit flies have a central role in metabolism. The overall goal of the project is to study the structure of aquaporins using single particle cryo-EM and combine that with functional studies at the cellular level as well as in full organisms (fruit flies) to resolve its mechanism of action. In addition, AQPs are therapeutic targets, thus the project will also include the development of putative AQP blockers, that can be used for treating diseases and/or to selectively kill insects expressing aquaporins.   

This is a collaborative project with Copenhagen University.

Location: Lund, Sweden

Organisation: Lund University, Department of Experimental Medical Science


AMBER call in EURAXESS main call (starting point for application)

Guide for applicants

Karin Lindvist's profile in Lund University Research portal

Medical Structural Biology's profile in Lund University Research portal

Info about employment at Lund University